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Technology Vs Manpower


Can Technology replace Manpower?

The world in which we are living is full of technology. Technology is a contribution of human being, and this technology is helping us today by making our work easier.

The world view have been changed due the enhancement of technology in the modern generation.Our grandfathers have observer/viewer all these changes. From sending letters across the land to receiving mails just in seconds,covering great distances by foot to travelling by air,  from using the gold and silver coins to the invention of plastic money, from sending balloons to the space to sending drones on the largest moon of Saturn, from managing paper work to uploading them on the internet and other such sources, from servants to robots, everything today has changed.
These are all the gifts of technology to humans.If we look around the world today; this is a technology driven world full of gadgets, devices, transport facilities, medical facilities, banking etc. But do these changes and inventions happen on their own? NO, human mind is behind all these technological advancement. 
It was a human mind which could question the traditional way of doing things and made the things easier for everyone. All the credit and advancement in science, space , health,medical  computer and defense etc goes to the human mind who thought in such a way of things easy.

Technology and Human

Today we are just a click away from getting what we need. Can this technology click for us? No, we all need a human hand to make the technology do things for us. Though we have much today, like the artificial intelligence, translations of languages, increase in the food production, biotechnology, genetic engineering, but a human being is always needed to supervise the technology.
It is obvious that technology cannot make click by themselves there is always a manpower i.e human who make the enhancement of technology in the modern generation

However companies and the factories are in favour of less labour force and more up gradation in the technology. They are replacing the manpower with newly developed technologies. This makes their work easier and they have larger production at cheap prices. Many places we even find that robots are replacing the labour and house maids for household work.

No machine or technology can replace the manpower with  extraordinary skills and values.
Though it seems like technology will supersede the man power but the fact is they cannot substitute each other. Technology and manpower should go hand in hand for the development of mankind and upgrading the technology for the need of dynamic world.

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