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If you are still wondering about the next technological innovation, take a look at the newest tech trends that are hand-picked by me after going through the extensive research .

As we know in this era Technology is now evolving at such a rapid pace that annual predictions of trends can seem out-of-date before they even go live as a published blog post or article. As technology evolves, it enables even faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change, until eventually, it will become exponential. 

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI is an interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches, but advancements in machine learning and deep learning are creating a paradigm shift in virtually every sector of the tech industry. 
AI can do these tasks faster and more accurately than humans.
    • Smart assistants (like Siri and Alexa)
    • Disease mapping and prediction tools
    • Manufacturing and drone robots
    • Optimized, personalized healthcare treatment recommendations
    • Conversational bots for marketing and customer service
    • Robo-advisors for stock trading
    • Spam filters on email
    • Social media monitoring tools for dangerous content or false news
    • Song or TV show recommendations from Spotify and Netflix

  • |Get your hands dirty with AI and have a crystal clear career ahead of you!
2.Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a subset of AI. With Machine Learning, computers are programmed to learn to do something they are not programmed to do: they learn by discovering patterns and insights from data. In general, we have two types of learning, supervised and unsupervised.
                 1. Internet of things
                2. Security in the home
                3. Politics and fake news
                4. No more black boxes
                5. Displacement
                6. Military autonomy
               7. Cyborgs and general augmentation
               8. Attuned AI friendship
               9. Conversation
               10. Vision
 Machine Learning jobs rank among the top emerging jobs on LinkedIn, with almost 2,000 job listings posted. And these jobs pay well: In 2017, the median salary for a machine learning engineer was $106,225. Machine Learning jobs include engineers, developers, researchers, and data scientists.

3. Block Chain

Based on a peer-to-peer (P2P) topology, blockchain is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) that allows data to be stored globally on thousands of servers – while letting anyone on the network see everyone else's entries in near real-time. It is defined from three keyword distributed, decentralized, public ledger.
It can be described as data you can only add to, not take away from or change. Hence the term “chain” because you’re making a chain of data.

According to, blockchain-related jobs are the second-fastest growing category of jobs, with 14 job openings for every one blockchain developer. A blockchain developer specializes in developing and implementing architecture and solutions using blockchain technology. The average yearly salary of a blockchain developer is $130,000.

4. Distributed Cloud
The trends of cloud storage and cloud computing are already embraced by the industries across the globe and the next big thing that is going to hit the tech ecosystem is the distributed cloud system. Distributed Cloud helps in connecting the public cloud distributed operation of cloud services to specific locations.
With a distributed cloud model, organizations reduce latency, network congestion, and risk of data loss. In addition, organizations can better ensure compliance with data sovereignty regulations since data can be kept in the country it was generated in.
Most large cloud providers, including Microsoft AzureOracle Gen2 CloudGoogle Cloud Platform, and Amazon Web Services (AWS), have a global footprint with geographically dispersed data centers and points of presence (PoPs).